Rev. Paul, an Alaskan blogging buddy of Miss D. and myself, has had some unusually good fortune. Some years ago he was given an older-model Martin acoustic guitar, which he's never used much. He just took it down to the shop to be valued . . . and found it was a 1963 Martin 00-21NY, which are apparently as rare as hens' teeth (only 906 were made) and twice as valuable. It's still in mint condition, to boot!
My landlord, himself a guitarist, moaned piteously when he saw the photograph, and cursed that the guitar was so far away. In this area, there are many guitarists who'd drool over it. Rev. Paul is talking about trading it in for shop credit up in Alaska, but I know there are other guitar players reading this blog. If any of you want this magnificent specimen, click over to his blog post about it and leave a message for him as a comment, along with your contact information. If you wave sufficient green stuff in his general direction, I daresay he won't object to shipping it in your general direction!
Nice find, Paul. I know you and your wife will enjoy the instrument(s) you get in exchange for it, and use them well.
Peter, I appreciate the link very much. I owe you one, my friend.
Pass this on- Be very carefull about shipping a guitar in winter- It must be in a heated space all the time- if it gets cold enough, the finish will crack-(differential shrinkage between the finish and the wood)
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