I'm very happy to see that the millionth visitor to this blog arrived via a link from Lawdog's blog shortly after 8 p.m. this evening.
Since Lawdog's my 'blogfather' (it was at his urging and encouragement that I began blogging), it's entirely appropriate that my millionth visitor should come via his blog.
I must admit, when I started blogging on January 1st, 2008, I didn't expect to reach this milestone at all, much less in under 25 months on the Web! Still, I'm grateful that so many of you seem to enjoy my scribblings, and come back so often. Thanks for joining me, and I'll try to keep the place as interesting as I can for the next million visits!
I look forward to many, many more years of following your blog.
Congratulations Peter! I never know quite what to expect, but it is reliably interesting!
Part of every day's "required reading", and new content with every single visit.
May there be many more!
I enjoy your content variety - from historical aviation writing to your 'first person witness' description of things foreign to me to your daily collection of odd things.
I stop by with my coffee every day!
Congrats Peter! I've got a ways to go to reach 1 mil (and I started before you!) but I'm hoping this is the year... ;)
Ditto what everyone else has said...
and Congratulations!!
Congratulations, Peter! I'll be getting there...in a decade or so! ;)
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